
Are you stressed, tired, or in pain? In today's busy society it's very easy to put yourself last and ignore the early signs of distress that your body is sending. Headache, tiredness, aches and pain, insomnia, inability to conceive and digestive disorders are all the body's ways of telling you that it's time to pay attention. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury...it's a necessity. Whether you are suffering from physical or emotional pain giving yourself the necessary attention will pay off in a healthier, happier you!


Health Insurance Accepted
Contact Alina at 443-416-1170 or at alina@baltimorewellnessacupuncture.com

We Successfully Treat People With:

A survey of people who receive acupuncture, conducted by Claire Cassidy Ph.D., indicates that they see their physicians less frequently and use fewer medications. In addition, over two thirds of those surveyed reported having avoided recommended surgery.

At Baltimore Wellness Acupuncture:

At Baltimore Wellness Acupuncture, our goal is to identify and treat the root cause of the imbalance that led to your current concerns. Treating the root, rather than a superficial symptom, results in lasting effects and improvements in your overall health. For example, patients who come for back pain often also find that in addition to curing their pain they now have more energy and less anxiety. Take care of yourself now; your health is your greatest wealth!

Call Alina Betsis at (443) 416-1170 for a Free 15 minute Consultation or to set up your Initial Appointment
so you can begin feeling better today.

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